
Become a quant trader active in high frequency trading

Internal Origin

(attributes of the system)

Helpful to achieving the objective


  • Broad Business Know How
  • Financial Sector Know How
  • Trading Specialist
  • Already apt in low and medium frequency trading

External Origin

(attributes of the environment)

Helpful to achieving the objective


  • Trading has become fully algorithmic
  • Great volatility to be used for profit
  • Crypto adds a new dimension to trading

Internal Origin

(attributes of the system)

Hamper achieving the objective

Weaknesses/Areas for further development

  • Weak machine learning skills
  • Average in python programming
  • Need to strengthen stats and math know how

External Origin

(attributes of the system)

Helpful to achieving the objective


  • Trading works against retail
  • Volatility can go both way
  • Trading strategies change over time

Action Plan Template

What do I want/need to learn? What do I have to do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? How will I measure success? Target dates for review and completion
Provide a specific description of the desired changes (e.g. skills to gain, knowledge to acquire, topics/themes/content to cover) Some examples, a new/ongoing course, conference, self-development (like wider research or reading), coaching/mentoring, job shadowing Some examples, teaching staff support, library support, student advisor support, line manager, etc. Some examples, appraisals, course assessments, team feedback, tutor feedback Note that these need to be realistic/achievable
Python Spend time in programming (3 hours per week at least) Generate more time Able to generate more code 31/12/2022
Machine learning Spend time in programming (3 hours per week at least) Generate more time Able to generate more code 31/12/2022
Stats and maths Spend time in programming (3 hours per week at least) Generate more time Easier applications of stats model to my trading strategies 31/12/2022
Improve on Greenblat’s trading strategy Backtest more Review quantinsti institiute training material ROI of 20% p/a 31/12/2022

Progress Update